Youth Protests Defend Democracy in Burkina Faso

Photo credit: VOA News via Wikimedia Commons

Burkina Faso, 2014

In 2014, after 27 years in power, Burkina Faso’s then president Blaise Compaoré sought to remove term limits so that he could remain in power indefinitely. While Compaoré had long functioned as a semi-authoritarian leader, removing term limits would have made a shift to democracy significantly more difficult.

Sensing a unique (and fleeting) opportunity, the youth of Burkina Faso gathered together to lead a transformative protest movement which revealed the authoritarian nature of such a move and reframed a seemingly dire situation as an opportunity for the people to work together to make change by taking to the streets. Slogans highlighted how their numbers give them strength, framed the move as a “betrayal of the people,” and revealed how authoritarian governance was responsible for every-day hardships such as high unemployment and increased prices.

By directing scrutiny towards the effort to remove term limits, the movement against Campaoré was able to develop into a wide reaching and diverse coalition, energizing new voices and uniting existing political camps. This new coalition included grassroots movements, civil society organizations, trade unions, and elites who defected. Prominent voices were also key for amplifying the protesters’ messages, such as the two musicians which supported the Balai citoyen, an NGO which organized around student voices and demands. Their tactics focused on mass mobilization, grassroots organizing to pressure politicians, and civil disobedience.

Collectively, these groups were able to force Campaoré’s resignation, after which the former president fled the country. Then, when another military coup endeavoured to undermine the transition to democracy, protesters returned to the streets–eventually securing a civilian-led transitional government. While Burkina Faso has experienced another period of democratic decline in recent years, the success of the 2014 protests demonstrates the capacity of youth organizing. The protesters’ capacity to generate significant protests in response to Campaoré’s move to change term limits is also a key illustration of how an overt power grab can be an opportunity for transformative change when backfire tactics are employed.


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